Digital Shelf

Where brands build insights to power profit & performance.

Turn complex data into clear and actionable insights so you can know more to grow more.

Set your strategy, accelerate sales, and boost online share within your category – all with one easy-to-use platform that makes data a doddle.

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Digital Shelf Exports
Scorecard infographic

Data’s only useful if you know what to do with it.

The Brand Nudge Scorecard gives you the full picture in full colour with smart and simple metrics to help you stay on track.

Set targets against KPIs, identify underperforming areas, track progress over time, and get clarity on where to focus your efforts – all in one place. 

Search overview infographic

Searches on retailer sites account for over 30% of customer basket adds. Maximising your visibility is crucial for driving performance.

Stay ahead of the curve with daily search rankings of SKUs against key search terms in your category.

Whether you want to identify share of search, refine your search strategy, or compare search performance against your competitors, save hours of work with an intuitive interface that does it all.

Identify share of search across all key terms in every retailer
Compare share of search against your competitors and stay on top of competitor sponsored products
Monitor organic search visibility and know when to invest in sponsored search
Content trend infographic

How your products appear on retailer sites directly impacts how prominent your SKUs are to consumers, as well as how likely they are to buy.

Manage your content from a single place with an instant view of how your products appear across every chosen retailer.

Identify where to add keywords to product titles, measure the impact of content compliance changes, and give your teams the insight they need to drive business forward. 

Monitor retailer compliance against your defined ‘gold standard’ ideal content, highlighting key actions required
Identify where key terms are missing from product titles and descriptions to boost organic search performance
Detect where content from your Digital Asset Management (DAM) system isn’t visible online
Reviews summary infographic

Your review numbers and ratings play a pivotal role in shopper conversion and product placement on retailer sites. Make yours a superpower.

Find out what people are saying about your products and benchmark customer feedback against your key competitors.

Dive into data with regular review summaries that help you monitor new launches, feed insight into strategy, and turn statistics into stars.

Compare reviews against key competitors to check how products are received
Set strategies to encourage review generation on underperforming products
Understand how new launches are welcomed by shoppers and identify potential quality issues or responses to reformulation
Share of media infographic

Nothing happens unless you get noticed. An effective retail media strategy can help you gain visibility, showcase new launches and connect with the right consumers.

It’s easy to blow your budget on marketing.

Brand Nudge stops that happening by arming you with data on brand activity, share of voice and the ROI on media to ensure your budget goes further to deliver growth for your business.

Identify shelves and search terms prioritised by key competitors
Assess the reactive impact of every banner with a media calendar
Check banners are brand compliant and go live when they should do
Availability summary infographic

Tracking assortment and availability should be a top priority for every brand. Stay on top of stock so you and your customers don’t miss out.

Manage stock and the share of your product assortment against key competitors across every chosen retailer.

Focus your efforts with clearer insight to monitor product performance, secure listings for your core range, and identify retailers with low availability before it becomes a problem.

Measure success in range reviews by tracking share of assortment performance
Understand sales performance by overlaying daily availability
Identify recurring availability issues across every product in every retailer
Export process

Digital Shelf Exports

Download all your digital shelf data as a one-off, or as a regular scheduled delivery directly to your inbox.

Each export arms you with summary findings and supporting data so you can know more to grow more.

Grow faster with the precision to prioritise

Our Digital Shelf solution combines data science with proprietary technology to leverage millions of data points across all your chosen retailers.

It means you can monitor the complete performance of every product, in every retailer, in every way.

Denis Murphy

Our Digital Shelf solution simplifies what is actually a very sophisticated space. We offer our clients easy to digest reporting across all the key elements of the Digital Shelf, from Search performance through to the detail behind each Rating & Review.

Having the whole organisation singing off the same hymn sheet is really important - as is the reliability of the data and the ease at which you can pull insights out from the vast amount of data available.

I have used other Digital Shelf analytics providers in the past but have been let down by data inaccuracies or platform capabilities.

Starting Brand Nudge gave me the chance to build a better platform that ticks all the boxes to give brand owners the insights they need, when they need them.

Denis Murphy

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